"‘How has art refocused consumers’ attention within a visual world thr" by Frances Hackney

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2020

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Integrated Marketing Communication

First Advisor

Emily Bowen-Moore

Second Advisor

John Baker

Third Advisor

Scott Fiene

Relational Format



The art of design has refocused the attention of consumers as they have entered into a visually demanding world. While this concept is complex and perplexing, stemming from endless influencing factors, the elements of design can be broken down into areas of focus to dissect the visual world of marketing. A simple way to communicate the influence of design on the consumers is to unveil the answers through the study of art.

In this thesis, the study will turn to the world of art to learn more about consumerism. The goal is to understand how visual images and the ongoing influence of art function within a consumer culture based on package design. Lengthy investigation into artists, elements of art and design, and consumerism are used to evaluate products and brands that have withstood the test of time to reveal how art has refocused consumers’ attention within the modern visual world.

Findings are based on primary and secondary research. Studies were conducted through surveys, observations, and interviews to gather data on how consumers are influenced and associate elements of art and how those elements can change package design.

It is concluded that package design is the most important factor in selling a product by influencing a consumer’s symbolic, semantic, and aesthetic associations. The packaging plays a huge role in modern visual culture, thus the elements that compose it are the direct source of creating an image in the eyes of consumers. Package design has evolved to a form of art and art has evolved to reveal secrets to successful package design in the 21st century visual culture.

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