Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Relational Format



Throughout the Accounting 420 course our class was given the opportunity to network and attend lectures hosted by a wide array of Accounting firms, companies and individuals. This class opened my eyes to how diverse the accounting field is and the countless opportunities available to me as I begin my career in accounting. During this class I was able to participate in two accounting competitions hosted by KPMG and PWC, meet accounting professionals form the Big 4 and the FBI and examine a complex accounting issue I was interested in. I focused much of my research on Tax based issues surrounding tax shelters and the growing impact of globalization and its effects on the recent uptick in merger and acquisition activity. Through the guidance of my professors and my independent research I was able to focus my interests on accounting topics that I hope to pursue further in my professional career. Accounting 420 helped me grow as a student and opened my eyes to the world of Tax and its long reaching consequences and opportunities.

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