"Comparing Lithic Artifacts and Native American Activity at Stark Farm," by Gillian Steeno

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 4-29-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Sociology and Anthropology

First Advisor

Tony Boudreaux

Second Advisor

Maureen Meyers

Third Advisor

Carolyn Freiwald

Relational Format



Supposed ancestors of the modern-day Chickasaw, the occupants of Stark Farm inhabited the area known today as Starkville, Mississippi. These Native American peoples left behind archaeological evidence of their occupation, especially in the form of large midden-filled basins. In order to investigate these refuse pits, a lithic analysis was completed using stone typology in order to infer supposed activities. Each of the five contexts are compared to each other to determine which assemblages have similar elements and which ones prove to be unusual in comparison. Through this stone tool analysis, domestic and non-domestic activities and areas in the site can begin to be uncovered.

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