"Senior Design Capstone: Using an Engineering Design Process to Create " by Tyler Moore

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 4-30-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Tejas Pandya

Second Advisor

Shan Jiang

Third Advisor

Amrita Mishra

Relational Format



The overall objective of this design project was to successfully design a fixture to expedite the repairs of Sawzalls at the Milwaukee Tools repairs facility in Greenwood, Mississippi. This project was executed in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Senior Capstone Design class at the University of Mississippi as well as the quality engineers sponsoring the project at Milwaukee Tools. The fixture was created utilizing an engineering design process with the goal of allowing technicians to press two Sawzall wobbles onto an angled Sawzall wobble shaft using an arbor press with just one press. By beginning with a straightforward problem statement, a clamping fixture was able to be concepted and prototyped to complete this goal. The final fixture design was presented before faculty and industry members at the conclusion of the semester.

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