Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis

First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

Mark Wilder

Relational Format



The cases enclosed within this thesis discuss a variety of accounting topics. These were selected by Dr. Dickinson to focus on a number of concepts that aid young professionals like myself in addressing the expectations of the financial reporting world.

Each case involved either formal research or a completion of a task that represented the fulfillment of this overarching goal. A synthesis of knowledge gained was usually included unless otherwise instructed. Two of the enclosed cases were completed alongside fellow students – Case 4 and Case 8, but two case competitions not featured here were also team-based.

The conclusions reached herein were developed thoroughly through the associated casework. Through the completion of this work, I chose Tampa as my exit location, completed an upskilling program for Microsoft Excel, and improved my political, economic, and financial researching skills. Additionally, I gained experience in conducting audio interviews.

Overall, I believe the professionalism training within the associated course will have the longest lasting effect on my career. Specifically, participating in firm presentations, going to Meet the Firms, and participating in case competitions were incredibly important to developing comfort and proficiency in this area.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Accounting Commons



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