"An Analysis of Accounting Principles Through Case Studies" by Kyle Liebert

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

W. Mark Wilder

Relational Format



The following ten cases are compilation of a semesters worth of work in my Accy 420 class. Each of these were introduced by Dr. Dickinson, at which time she gave us a perspective. From my knowledge of accounting principles, financial and managerial concepts, I was able to interpret the case. Each case required a deep understanding of the topic or an ability to understand a new concept. After being introduced, I analyzed the topic and followed up with research. These case studies outlined by Dr. Dickinson were completed in the academic year of Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 from the requirements of the University of Mississippi Patterson School of Accountancy and the Sally Barksdale Honors College.

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