Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Public Policy Leadership

First Advisor

Melissa Bass

Second Advisor

Zachary Edney

Third Advisor

Norris Edney

Relational Format



Health care disparities and the social determinants of health (SDOH) are beginning to integrate into public and political narratives of systemic inequities. Pain management is a wide-reaching domain of health care, with complexities arising from the subjectivity of pain and the implications for clinical care. In this thesis, I conduct a systematic literature review to explore the effects of race and gender on pain assessment, diagnosis, and treatment through a health equity lens. While much of health care disparity research emphasizes the effects on population health outcomes, these findings redirect attention to the tangible impacts of discriminatory encounters and experiences borne by those who are not believed.

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