"Factors in Disaster Response in Mexico, Central America, and the Carib" by Ashleigh Daugherty

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 4-20-2021

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Croft Institute for International Studies

First Advisor

Shaio Zerba

Second Advisor

William Schenck

Third Advisor

Marcos Mendoza

Relational Format



This research examines the impacts that existing factors can have on the outcome of natural disasters. In order to study this question more thoroughly than previous research, this paper conducts a small n study on the Middle America region through case studies in Mexico, El Salvador, and Haiti. Each of these case studies are evaluated by their outcomes of severe earthquakes and the conditions in which these earthquakes occurred. These conditions being: their economies, governances, and pre-existing natural disaster plans. The analysis of these indicators attempts to understand why certain countries perform better in natural disasters compared to others. In a region like Middle America, where natural disasters are extremely common, what can countries do to reduce their losses in fatalities and monetary damages?

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