Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Sam Cousley

Relational Format



The obesity epidemic is a social issue in that critics are quick to blame business and government for failing the consumers. The truth is that all three parties have failed each other by allowing such a cultural change to occur. The issue is similar to the tobacco public health crisis following the spike in lung cancer in the 1950s and 60s. The tobacco companies were blamed entirely for their unhealthy products and the government still spends millions today regulating their products. In order to improve upon this course of action, I believe that a more cooperative solution exists in order to decrease obesity and increase the position of all three parties. Businesses have a market opportunity to provide products and services that are appealing and conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Consumers have the ability to spur social change by preparing more foods inside the home and incorporating physical activity into daily routines. Governmental agencies have the ability to streamline their programs to create a more clear and efficient program that offers educational tools and resources to communities to support the social change. The solution to the obesity epidemic is social change from which all parties can literally and figuratively profit. Ill

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