"Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of Elementary Students in Serve Only S" by Margaret Louise Harbison

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Nutrition and Hospitality Management

First Advisor

Laurel Lambert

Relational Format



The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant difference in fiiiit and vegetable consumption among fourth and fifth grade elementary students who participate in the NSLP Serve Only service compared to the Offer Versus Serve (OVS) service. Methods Weighed and visual plate waste data were collected for five consecutive days at two elementary schools. School A used Serve Only service (students are served all five food components of the lunch meal) and school B used OVS service (students may select as few as three of the five food components of the lunch meal). Costs disposed were determined using the state contracted vending prices for schools. Nutrient intake (vitamins A and C) were calculated using The University of Minnesota Nutrition Data System for Research. Differences in nutrient intake, cost, and plate waste related to meal service were ascertained using Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows. Results Fruit and vegetable plate waste was significantly lower (p < .05) for OVS students disposing 32% per serving compared to Serve Only students disposing 48% per serving. Plate waste costs per student showed significant difference (p

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