Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Jeanette Martin

Relational Format



This study sought to determine if Mississippi business managers were versed in maintaining a legal workplace with their knowledge of 15 major United States laws relating specifically to the area of business communication. It also sought to gather relevant information based upon personal views related to two critical communications laws; the Civil Rights Act of 1964- Title VII Equal Employment Opportunity and the Age Discrimination Act of 1967. The study went on to determine if the 15 laws were actually being used in the workplace by Mississippi business managers. After proper approval by the University of Mississippi Office of Research and Sponsored Programs- Institutional Review Board, the study was conducted. Mississippi business managers were randomly selected from the D&B Million Dollar list; and the managers were given the opportunity to respond by means of an internet based survey on the site, SurveyMonkey.com. The findings of this research indicated an overall lack of knowledge of the 15 communications laws. With only half of the questions, proving that managers had the necessary knowledge needed to operate lawfully under them. In the grand scheme of the study, Mississippi business managers proved they were lacking vital information needed to prove their ability as a manager in the area of business communications law. Thus, the study indicates that there is a strong need for business mangers to update their current knowledge bank in order to be competitive from a national standpoint.

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