Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Dwight Frink

Relational Format



"A Le\-el Playing Field: The Big Business of College Sports" was inspired b} the controversies that e.xist \\'ithin collegiate sport. B>' using both primaiy and secondar}- sources, information v\’as gathered to help shed light on the true nature of college athletics. This infonuation was primarily of a historical or financial nature. .Ufter close examination, it appears nearly impossible to detemiine whether or not most college athletic programs generate substemtial revenues, although man\- uni\’ersities seem to benefit from the indirect benefits of fielding "big-time” sports teams (increased enrollment, increased alumni donations, economic stimulation, etc.). However, the college athletes are left in a precarious situation. WTiile they act as the engines behind college sports, the}- are not allow'ed to pailake in many of its benefits, and man>- struggle to handle everyda>- expenses. Therefore, refomi that w'ould allow college athletes to recei\’e a stipend and allow- them to pursue outside endorsements would be tenable, and reform of this nature would make the institution of college athletics more fair and equitable for all participants. ORRY STEPHEN V.. ev¬ er.

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