Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Integrated Marketing Communication

First Advisor

Victoria Bush

Relational Format



\\ riling a business plan tor a television pilot can be a daunting task. It can be especially so in today s world, where there are many options for entertainment. To be succcsstul. a program must appeal to advertiser, consumer, and most importantly imestors, or the netw ork. The technology of today allows options for television cxecuti\ cs that were ne\er a\ ailable to earlier generations. Real Life hieiion is an hour long, prime-time, dramedy*, that will utilizes interactive technology in its implementation. The show will look at what motivates people to build relationships with others, as well as, how friendships, love, work, struggle, and passion play a role in the development of self. A major aspect ot the presentation ot the show is tound in the implementation of innovative technology: interactive television (iTV) and interactive online television (iOT): w hich allows viewers to interact with content directly as they view it. In order to understand the target market appeal for Real Life Fictiotu iOT, and iTV. research was conducted, consumer behavior surveys were created, and data was gathered and analyzed. The surveys showed a positive reaction, from men and women age 21-49, for the pilot as well as iTV and iOT. The business plan projects a net income for the pilot of $-860,000 and a conservative revenue profit of $16,010,000 for tlie remainder of the first season and $15,150,000 for the total of the first season.

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