Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Philosophy and Religion

First Advisor

Jack Pendarvis

Relational Format



With this collection of short stories, 1 attempt to ereate linked pieces with a heavy emphasis on Southern Jewish identity and Eastern European folktale influences. It is in my opinion that the cuiTent Refomi Judaism movement, while modem and accessible. seeks to imitate popular. Western religious trends with no emphasis on uniqueness or authenticity. I looked towards Southern writers with distinct tones and storytelling abilities such as Lewis Nordan, Mark Richard, and Ban*y Hannah for inspiration. In addition, 1 incoiporated iconic Jewish archetyties into some of these stories such as the Wandering Jew and the Golem ot Prague. Although Southern Jewish identity was one of my primary motivators, 1 still kept a wider audience in mind. First and toremost, this collection is meant to entertain, not as a means to convey political and religious ideology. If these stories cannot speak for themselves, then any underlying messages I wish to express are unearned.

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