"Endless Challenges: A History of Student Housing at The University of " by Clayton Anderson James

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Ted Ownby

Relational Format



The history of student housing at the University of Mississippi is one of endless challenges. Ranging from periodic room shortages to declining institutional concern for the needs of student housing, these challenges have shaped the lives of students who live on campus through today. Though these challenges have varied in source and nature over the years, they still confront administrators, faculty, staff, and most of all students, many of whom address these issues on a daily basis. In the earliest years of the University, student housing was an important part of the campus, and it was recognized as such by everyone connected to the University. Over time, though, as the student body grew and the campus could no longer house all of the University's students, student housing took a lesser role in the life of the University. New buildings were constructed to ease overcrowding on numerous occasions, but institutional concern continued to decline overall. Student life in the residence halls changed considerably with the arrival of women on the campus and with significant changes in the philosophy of student life put forth by administrators. Reflecting national trends, student housing changed its administrative structure and even adapted its philosophies to be more inclusive of the student body and build unique and viable communities among students. However, through all of these achievements, student housing at the University of Mississippi still faced unique challenges because of the peculiar nature of its place and the ongoing circumstances that surrounded the entire culture of the University. Student housing should be no less important to the University today in 2001 than when the doors first opened in 1848. However, with the Phoenix Project's massive renovations signaling a new revitalization of student housing for a new millennium, the University still faces new challenges for the future that can only work to make student housing better for all the students of the University.

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History Commons



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