Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Samir Husni

Relational Format



This thesis was comprised of research in action in an attempt to plan and promote a concert in a college community. Research began in the summer of 2007 with an internship with Live Nation, the world’s largest concert promoter. After spending three months working in the live music industry, I decided to put that knowledge into practice by organizing an awareness concert for Mississippi Blood Services in Oxford, Mississippi. I spent much time planning this concert, first as a large outdoor event, and after it became evident that would not be possible, a smaller, local event at an Oxford venue. Everything pertaining to the concert was organized and plamied by myself, from the bands playing to the T-shirt design to the collection and seeking of sponsoi ships and door prizes. I felt the best way to tackle such a large process was to take it step by step, first searching for the appropriate venue. Other steps would include seeking sponsorships, designing promotional material, and booking perfonuers. The goal of the concert was not only to raise awareness of the importance of donating blood, but to offer me the chance to put my research and knowledge of promoting such events into practice and judging the effectiveness of promotional tactics. After the concert, 1 determined that my promotional attempts were successful. Flyers posted all over the university campus. 1 created web events on popular networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. The concert was heavily promoted through campus media (specifically radio). 1 managed to secure articles in the Daily Mississippian. Oxford Eagle and Tupelo’s entertainment guide, Scene. However, the were IV event itself did not draw the hoped for number of attendees. This was partly due in fact to the decision not to serve alcohol at the venue, but also could be attnbuted to the choice of venue. Whatever the reason, this project proves that while extensive marketing is key in promoting a successful concert, sometimes apathy overrules and diere is not much else you can do but hope for the best and keep certain factors in mind for the next concert

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