Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Art and Art History

First Advisor

Jeffery Jackson

Relational Format



I have entitled this series Quintessence because it is defined as the pure and concentrated essence of a substance, the most perfect embodiment of something. As a result my subject matter is simplified to its most basic state without losing its Identity. This allows for a new awareness of a familiar object. By choosing subjects with crystal-like surfaces, the Interior emerges when light passes through it. The blending of colors creates beautiful distortions that alter our perception of what we see. Through close observation, what Is seen within the form are abstractions, transforming the viewer’s recognition of the image. The abstraction reveals a new reality because the focus is on the distortion and not the object as a whole. This Is the line where reality meets abstraction, creating a visual experience that reaches into the sublime.

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