Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Rahul Govind

Relational Format



The objective of this paper is to investigate the dilemma many collegiate institutions have with the appropriateness of their symbols, particularly the mascot, and how these symbols can affect the overall brand equity of a university. Plausible connections between the mascot, symbols, and brands will be formulated validating the claim that a mascot is a brand, which will pcmiit the direct application of marketing and branding theories to the mascot situation at The University of Mississippi. The importance of the mascot and the human response to collegiate symbols will be explored by the utilization of two psychological theories - Social Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan) and Basking In Reflected Glory (Cialdini). A historical and emotional understanding of athletic symbols at Ole Miss, as well as a case study on prior mascot controversies will be presented. Following this section will be a study of branding with a special concentration on the six eras of branding. Statistical research, conclusions, recommendations, and a strategic marketing plan, based on a conclusive marketing research survey, will be presented to support marketing efforts in the transition The University of Mississippi is making from Colonel Rebel to the Rebel Black Bear. The findings suggest that the Ole Miss brand is in a state of instability and that members of the university’s community are not satisfied with recent decisions to alter school symbols. In conclusion. Ole Miss’s brand equity can be bolstered by the correct application of cultural branding strategies developed and discussed in this paper.

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