Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Melissa Bass

Relational Format



The primary goal for this thesis is to provide the necessary research and analysis about the importance of sidewalks for Clinton, Mississippi, so that the city will have a plan and a study to support the implementation of a comprehensive sidewalks construction project. This thesis is grounded in theory and recent research on sidewalks. After establishing the theoretical and empirical arguments in favor of sidewalks as a significant transportation policy concern, I outline a three-phase plan for constructing sidewalks in Clinton. The plan delineates the three phases based on specific roads’ varying degrees of importance to community life. Following the explanation of the project’s estimated cost and its financing option, I discuss ways to organize the Clinton community in support of the constmction project. The conclusion offers suggestions for future research based on the findings of this thesis. I will present this plan to the Clinton City Council to advocate for sidewalks throughout the community.

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