Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Stephen Threlkeld

Relational Format



Although wetland trees show a relationship between growth and precipitation that can be used to reconstruct past climates they also show a relationship between growth and inundation which may be less helpful to climate modelers. Although inundation is directly related to precipitation in open stream channels, this may not be the case in impounded streams or in lake-side swamps or off-channel wetlands. In order to distinguish precipitation and inundation effects on growth, the effects of fluctuations in precipitation and inundation on bald cypress located at different elevations along lake side swamp were examined. Upland trees were more influenced by variation in precipitation while trees closer to open water were found to be more influenced by the amount of inundation. Trees in middle elevation subjected to periodic flooding were not significantly influenced by either precipitation or immdation. The findings of the study have implications for future paleoclimate reconstructions where drainages have been most influenced by humans.

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