"A Study on How Mobile Banking Has Affected the Banking Industry: Has M" by Courtney Elizabeth Cleveland

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Ken Cyree

Relational Format



This paper explores the effect of mobile banking on the banking industry. It further seeks to investigate if banks improve financial performance as well as customer conversion and retention due to mobile banking. The research sifts through early entries in mobile banking features, data transfer technology evolution along with hand-held mobile device advances. Population demographics are also reviewed to understand which segment is more inclined to use mobile banking applications, giving banks insights and analytics for focused advertising. Data security needs and bank personnel skills evaluation show a shift in personnel skill-set evolution from historical employees. Overall, the data suggests that bank performance does improve on the balance sheet and in customer conversion/retention when the bank has leading-edge mobile banking features along with disciplined cost reduction in front-line tellers and reduction in brick-and-mortar investments.

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