"Confucianism and the Modern East Asian" by Paul Jennings Treutel

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Croft Institute for International Studies

First Advisor

Gang Guo

Relational Format



This thesis sought to measure “Confucianism” in China, Japan, and South Korea. To this end, a thorough investigation of possible methods to measure Confucianism and exactly what “Confucianism” means was conducted. AsiaBarometer’s 2006 survey data was chosen as the basis of the quantitative portion of this study. Survey questions deemed good measures of Confucian values were compiled into four indexes. These indexes were used as dependent variables in four separate regressions, controlling for such demographic variables as age, sex, geographic location, income, etc. The regression results and their interpretation showed a picture of Confucianism considerably different than that discussed by mainstream research and an overall weak relationship between Confucian teaching and the values of East Asian citizens.

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