Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Communication Sciences and Disorders

First Advisor

Gregory Snyder

Second Advisor

Myriam Kornisch

Third Advisor

Carolyn Higdon

Relational Format




This study investigated correlations between resilience and quality of life relative to stuttering therapy. A systematic review and meta-analysis of articles published with focuses on stuttering, resilience training, and quality of life was conducted. Electronic databases, PubMed, and Google Scholar, were used to gain results of relevant published articles. Both search engines in this review produced relevant articles. Google Scholar produced more articles that met all 3 inclusion criteria, while PubMed produced more results that met at least 1 or 2 inclusion criteria. From both databases, numerous articles included the need for a multidimensional therapy emphasizing personal resilience. However, no such program appears to exist, relative to mentoring children who stutter cope with adversity and negative aspects of stuttering. Therefore, the goal of stuttering therapy should focus on improving the individual’s quality of life by instilling resilient mindsets to help manage the negative effects and consequences associated with stuttering.

Accessibility Status

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



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