"Assembling Ideal Actualization in Viennese Social Housing" by Jack Day

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Public Policy Leadership

First Advisor

David Rutherford

Second Advisor

Zachary Vereb

Third Advisor

James Thomas

Relational Format



The central aims of this paper are to create a potential concept for what an ideal social housing program could look like and then to determine the extent to which the social housing program in Vienna, Austria has brought this ideal to reality. The social housing program in Vienna was chosen due to its popularity as a program and its generally positive reputation. The paper proceeds by first offering potential definitions for social housing, its ideals, and potential indicators for ideal fulfillment. Then, I take influence from the frameworks of assemblage theory and path-dependency theory to analyze the material, temporal, and fluctuating impacts of social housing policy in Vienna, making reference to how these impacts do or do not fulfill the ideals of social housing.

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