"Case Studies: A Study of Accounting Practices and Concepts" by Anna Brock

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-7-2022

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Relational Format



This accounting thesis includes multiple case studies on the topics of accounting principles, uses, and concepts. Throughout two semesters, research and contemplation have been conducted on various topics relating to accountancy. Case studies were conducted using different methods. Some were completed within a group, and the others were completed on their own. The methods were to reflect and enhance group work and conversation, as the accounting profession is a very social career.

The topics range from ethical decisions to a multiple-week case study performed with peers. The case study took place in the second semester, and I worked on a team of five students to produce research and analysis on our chosen company. At the end of the case study, we presented our findings and recommendations to a large group of professionals. These professionals followed the presentations with questions—counting as our defense. Within the two semesters where the research took place, professionals visited the class to give pointers on the different topics and guide us throughout our careers and theses.

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