Honors Theses
Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
First Advisor
Ronald A. Schroeder
Relational Format
WINSTON EDWARD JONES: A Collection ofInterwoven Fantasy Short Stories (Under the direction ofRonald Schroeder)
The stories presented in this thesis illustrate a common theme through the use of both fantasy and realism. Specifically, these dichotomous styles are used to comment on the nature of human desire. To represent desire, each story features an appearance and interaction with the titular item, the dragon’s eye. This item often serves as both representation and foil to the characters’ deepest desires. By interjecting this fantastic jewel into realistic situations, these stories attempt to utilize fantasy as a vehicle through which emotional tension is created and resolved. Also, the obviousjuxtaposition of genres creates situations in which the reader can clearly observe the effects that each genre has on prose in order to determine the merit they have as literary devices.
Recommended Citation
Jones, Winston Edward Jr., "Path of the Dragon’s Eye: Using Fantasy Elements in Realism" (2008). Honors Theses. 2784.
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