"An Examination of Accounting Through Case Studies" by Jacob Maschhoff

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

W. Mark Wilder

Relational Format



This thesis consists of ten case studies that are focused on the principles and standards of financial accounting. The case studies were assigned by Dr. Victoria Dickinson and completed under her guidance throughout the course of Honors Accountancy 420. During the first semester of the class, Dr. Dickinson provided five unique prompts that explored current events and relevant topics within the professional world of accounting. We were able to sharpen our accounting and research skills as well as gain knowledge about potential career paths and opportunities within accounting. Throughout the second semester, we completed five more case studies pertaining to Tyson Foods, Inc, and the work was done in groups. Our group devised tax, audit, and advisory plans for Tyson in order to increase savings, decrease risk, and promote growth. At the end of the semester, we presented our findings and our strategies to tax professionals from across the country. The professionals evaluated our research and provided valuable feedback to strengthen our plans. The research and case exhibition allowed us to become extremely knowledgeable about Tyson’s business structure and operations; our work also simulated the services that professional accountants provide their clients on a daily basis. Because of this, I have gained valuable, real-world experience throughout the course of this thesis.

Accessibility Status

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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Accounting Commons



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