"The Effectiveness of Drawing as a Study Tool for Success in Human Anat" by Gracie C. Willis

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Summer 7-28-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Carol Britson

Second Advisor

Carla Carr

Third Advisor

Josh Schmerge

Relational Format



Human Anatomy and Physiology courses are packed with substantial information to obtain and retain over a semester. Study techniques students integrate into their studies are indispensable in affecting their success or failure in Human Anatomy and Physiology courses. This study aimed to determine if using drawing as a study technique would positively or negatively impact students' success or failure rate in Human Anatomy and Physiology I (A&P I) at the University of Mississippi. Participants were divided into three groups based on the degree of participation. Group A students chose only to release their unidentified test scores. Group B students released their unidentified test scores and participated in three surveys. Group C students released their unidentified test scores, participated in three surveys, and attended three drawing sessions. Relevant survey questions were categorized as positive, negative, or drawing and were analyzed for correlations to each other and course performance. Each was analyzed for correlation to student performance on significant assessments in the course. Significant correlations were found amongst relevant survey question frequencies and major assessments for students enrolled in Bisc 206 at the University of Mississippi in fall 2022. The findings suggest that students had a false sense of knowledge which was caused by students' lack of active studying tools and engagement with the material. The false sense of knowledge is seen in the significant negative correlation between Survey 1 draw association questions and exam scores. The findings are useful for further studies incorporating active studying and engagement into students' study routines.

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