Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Intelligence and Security Studies

First Advisor

Kevin Riehle

Second Advisor

Craig Morris

Third Advisor

Joshua First

Relational Format



Russia and China are critical actors who deploy far-reaching and impactful information operations in pursuit of their national interests. Their use of information operations is multifaceted and should be subject to study due to how influential these operations are and how significant the effects can be. In pursuit of this knowledge, the aim of this study was to conduct an in-depth analysis of these two countries' information operations and how their operations differ. The first area analyzed was the evolution of these countries' modern day information operations, primarily looking for the factors and historical context which influenced the development of their information operations. The modern day form of these information operations was then examined using the Chinese model of the Three Warfares, which is broken down into legal, psychological, and media warfare. After evaluating these nations through this lens, the common goals, targets, and narrative themes of Russian and Chinese information operations were able to be identified. A cross comparison of the evolution, form, and function of two nation's information operations was conducted and this found that both nations utilize information operations to either support physical action or replace the use of physical action. While both nations use information operations to maintain and grow their influence, Russia uses these operations to suppress Western power and China uses them to protect its reputation.

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