Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


General Studies

First Advisor

Timothy Yenter

Second Advisor

Noa Valcarcel Ares

Third Advisor

Taylor Sovent

Relational Format



Spanish Club for Healthcare Professionals was registered as an approved student organization in January of 2023, and the first meeting was January 30. The objective of this club is to educate students entering different healthcare fields on how to communicate with Spanish speaking patients. During my time serving as the founder and president of this organization, I strived to provide a resource that would help lower the language barrier that is present in today’s society with regards to a lack of Spanish- speaking healthcare professionals. The goal is not for students to be fully fluent in Spanish but simply learn how to communicate key phrases and common ideas that are present in medical settings. Overall, this club sheds light upon the need for interpreters in healthcare fields but also emphasizes the importance of how a Spanish background can increase a patient’s experience overall.

Accessibility Status

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Available for download on Sunday, May 10, 2026
