Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Health, Exercise Science, and Recreation Management

First Advisor

Paul Loprinzi

Second Advisor

Kris Brasher

Third Advisor

Donald Skinner

Relational Format



This study had three main objectives. The first objective was to determine whether or not there was evidence of a testing effect being present when a short-term memory assessment is included along with a long-term memory assessment. The second objective was to determine whether acute exercise can improve long-term memory recall over a control condition. The third objective was to determine if the potential effects of acute exercise on long-term memory are confounded by the inclusion of a short-term memory assessment. Participants were 54 undergraduate students at the University of Mississippi, with an age range of 18-22 years old. Participants completed 9 visits in total. The first visit was a maximal exercise visit to determine their max heart rate, with the following 8 visits being a main exercise or control visit, with a 24-hour follow up visit for long-term memory recall. Immediately after exercise or control, the participant encoded a set of 15 words for 5 cycles. Immediately after encoding, the participant would either leave the lab or perform a short-term recall of the set of words, depending on the condition. Results of this study suggested evidence of a testing effect, that acute exercise may improve long-term memory, and that the effects of exercise on long-term memory might not be confounded by including a short-term assessment.

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