"Human-Wildlife Conflict In Tanzania: A Mixed-Methods Exploration Of A " by Kylie Page

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2023

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Laura Johnson

Second Advisor

Jeffery Bednark

Third Advisor

Richard S. Balkin

Relational Format



This paper describes the development, implementation and outcomes of a conservation education program designed to empower youth and adults to address the problem of human-wildlife conflict in rural Tanzania. The participatory approach included a three day workshop at Mikumi National Park (MNP) and community-based fieldwork that employed techniques for active engagement, such as games, role plays, field trips, and the photovoice method, which combines photography and storytelling with solution finding. Focusing on the problem of human-lion conflict, adults and youth from two villages came together with lion experts, park wardens, and educators for training at Mikumi National Park in which they learned about lions, conservation, and the photovoice method for identifying risks and vulnerabilities and generating solutions. Prior to the training, participants (n=20) completed surveys to assess conservation knowledge and attitudes, including beliefs about the value/benefit of lions. Following the training, photovoice projects were conducted in each village and community members (n=33) completed interviews to assess conservation knowledge and attitudes. During photovoice, participants used their photographs as a springboard for discussion of the challenges and the discovery of applicable solutions, such as the creation of “living walls.” The community of Kidhui subsequently engaged in an active demonstration of this technique, after which they completed follow-up surveys to assess learning outcomes. The most common theme among responses from participants seemed to be the learned ability to understand and converse not only about lions, but also the environment and conservation as an entity.

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