Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Integrated Marketing Communication

First Advisor

Jack McClurg

Second Advisor

Eddie Carr

Third Advisor

Mike Gill

Relational Format



This report focuses on the process of completing my senior capstone project for the Center for Manufacturing Excellence with my teammates, Andrew Brady, Carter Doss, Brooke Grissinger, and Karson Wardell. It explains the development, design and manufacturing of the Rebel Lounge Chair, a comfortable, portable and versatile chair made with the University of Mississippi Grove in mind and the prospective customers that would purchase such a chair. The report describes the phases of brainstorming, market research, prototyping, manufacturing process development, and accounting analysis that the Rebel Lounge capstone team went through to create their product.

Due to out-of-the-box brainstorming and prototyping our team decided on a chair design which we believe is a comfortable, light weight and maneuverable as well as versatile for our target audience. The chair design consists of a wooden frame construction and a fabric seat which is sewn specifically for our chair. Our manufacturing process to create these chairs is a balanced production line with five working cells. The work cells consist of a cutting, two drilling stations, sewing and final assembly, each of which have detailed standard operating procedure instructions to help with quality control and speed of the process.

Using our manufacturing process, we were able to meet the assigned demand of making at least 5 chairs an hour, allocating about 10 minutes per work station to build each chair. The cost of our Rebel Lounge chair is $113.18 including all material cost, labor cost, and allocated overhead cost. We will be selling the chair for $140 for about a 19% profit margin.



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