Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Andy Harper

Second Advisor

Alicia Steele

Third Advisor

John Rash

Relational Format



Humanity’s profound relationship with water is undeniable. From our reliance on it for sustenance and transportation to the recreation it provides, water is a fundamental aspect of our existence. Yet, in our contemporary era, we find ourselves increasingly disconnected from this life-giving source that shapes us and our surroundings. The Mississippi River stands as a prime example of this detachment. Often overlooked as a lifeless river, nothing more than the backdrop to our daily lives, its significance as the heart of America is underappreciated and misunderstood by many. This thesis embarks on a journey to share the true reality that there is more to the mighty Mississippi than what initially meets the eye. First, this paper dives into the intricate history of the river and the forces that have shaped its current state. Next, this thesis examines the interactions between the river and Quapaw Canoe Company, a river outfitter whose unique engagement with the Lower Mississippi challenges conventional perceptions and fosters a deeper connection with its waters. Lastly, the final section of the paper describes the creative process in making a short film that accompanies my written thesis. By documenting the choices I made in creating this film as well as my experiences on the Mississippi River, this section illuminates how an intimate encounter with the river changes you. My short film is aimed at taking people on a journey of their own, perhaps inspiring them to consider an adventure similar to the one they are watching. Truly, facilitating meaningful experiences on the river, and exposing people to the Mississippi’s true beauty and power in a way that is extraordinary, uncommon, and surprising is essential to helping people make a connection with it. Only then through genuine connection, can a sense of appreciation and stewardship be fostered. This thesis serves not only as a call to action but also a testament to the bond between us and the natural world. As we confront the realities of our home’s changing landscape, it is crucial that we rediscover the wild spirit of the Mississippi River and embrace our interconnectedness with her waters.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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