Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-11-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Croft Institute for International Studies

First Advisor

Bridget Martin

Second Advisor

Zachary Guthrie

Third Advisor

Oliver Dinius

Relational Format



This thesis analyzes South Korea’s motivations for growing engagement in African development hypothesizing that diplomacy is a main driver in Korean interest in Africa. South Korea conducts official development aid through the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA). Korea contrasts itself against conventional donors of official development aid, portraying itself as a model of economic development to emulate to recipient countries. Yet, KOICA discloses little regarding developmental methodologies it exports to recipient nations beyond its use of its development expertise and experience. I conducted qualitative analysis using country partnership strategies, official Facebook pages of KOICA Senegal and Rwanda offices, and mid-term sectoral strategies to uncover KOICA’s development strategies in partnership. Furthermore, to analyze the criteria used to select core partnership strategies, I analyzed the country profiles of Senegal and Rwanda. This thesis investigates Senegal’s and Rwanda’s importance to Korea in international politics. Overall, this thesis aims to illuminate Korea’s diplomatic drive in fostering diplomatic relations with African nations using official developmental aid.



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