Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Center for Manufacturing Excellence

First Advisor

Denise Theobald

Second Advisor

Rick Hollander

Third Advisor

Mike Gill

Relational Format



This report focuses on the development and manufacturing of the Pollinator Plaza, a high-quality bug house created to combat pollinator population loss. According to countless studies, pollinator populations have seen a dramatic decrease in recent years, and this product was developed to address these alarming statistics by providing a suitable habitat for pollinators. A market analysis was used to identify our potential clientele and cost point. This research played an integral part in the design of the Pollinator Plaza, which was developed using AutoCAD software. This design became a reality through the construction of a physical prototype.

The Pollinator Plaza’s unique features include three separate habitat regions, specifically targeting carpenter bees, monarch butterflies, and a variety of caterpillars and beneficial beetles. These pollinators are common inhabitants of the North Mississippi region and therefore served as the inspiration for this design. Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal of the product was seen as a top priority, and therefore, the bright color, known to attract pollinators, and stencil design were created to enhance the product’s marketability. These unique characteristics were carefully integrated into the design to separate this product from its competitors.

The manufacturing process was repeatedly revised to guarantee a high-quality product while incorporating key metrics such as efficiency and economies of scale. This process involved procuring raw materials, using various types of equipment to transform the materials, and assembling the components into the final product. Following the initial production run, excessive levels of waste as well as elevated labor and material costs were noticed. As a result, the layout for subsequent production runs was edited, which resulted in increased output levels and reduced input costs.

In addition to current manufacturing conditions, this report utilizes multiple sales forecasts and metrics to give the reader a glimpse of potential growth opportunities for the Pollinator Plaza. These projections were formed based on personal conversations with industry experts and extensive market research. With optimistic financial data to go along with a standardized manufacturing process, the Pollinator Plaza has developed an effective business model while accomplishing its intended goal: protecting the world’s pollinators.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.

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Engineering Commons



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