Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Joshua Eyler

Second Advisor

Kariann Fuqua

Third Advisor

Alice Steimle

Relational Format



Astra Hahm: Science Quest! An educational comic for fifth graders in Mississippi (Under the direction of Dr. Joshua Eyler)

Science Quest! is an educational comic aimed at fifth graders in Mississippi to teach them science in a way that differs from how they learn science in class. The inspirations for the creation of Science Quest! are both my interests as a child and my vision of the future as an adult. During Sophomore year, I had the privilege of volunteering at Oxford Intermediate School, where I witnessed students play a variety of educational games, which reminded me of my childhood. As someone who enjoyed educational games and comics instead of sitting in class, I was inspired to create a creative tool that could be used as another method to teach science to kids. Through this project, I was able to mold a variety of my interests together to combine art and science, which I had not been able to do before. The initial script of this comic totals 15,236 words, 1648 of which I have turned into a comic to preview the intent behind the project. While I have only finished 22 comic pages out of more than 200, I will continue to work on this product after graduation. My final desire for this comic is to bring it to completion and provide a free version online for people to use as needed.



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