"Two Districts, Five Miles Apart: A Comparative Analysis of the Lauderd" by Daneel Konnar

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Public Policy Leadership

First Advisor

Melissa Bass

Second Advisor

Marvin King

Third Advisor

Tom Brady

Relational Format



K-12 public education in Mississippi has sparked much conversation and debate regarding the factors and forces that influence school performance on test scores, teacher pay and salaries, infrastructure, and student performance. Mississippi’s children deserve the best quality education and opportunities to grow into the best version of themselves. However, school districts across Mississippi within the same county are facing many disparities. The purpose of this study is to examine the disparities between the Meridian Public School District and Lauderdale County School District in Meridian. I interviewed seven school officials to gain perspective on the differences between the two school districts. From these interviews, I identified four major themes that were mentioned as potential sources of the performance gap between the two districts: funding, technology, socio-economic status, and the role of parents and guardians. I then used these findings to develop policy recommendations to close the gap between the two districts. Increased funding, technology integration alternatives, teacher recruitment and retention incentives, and parental and guardian engagement programs were the four policy recommendations made.



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