"A Collection of Case Studies on Financial Accounting Themes" by Colton Jones

Honors Theses

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Second Advisor

Mark Wilder

Relational Format



This thesis is a collection of accounting case themes. There are eight cases that comprise this thesis including: Operational Risk Assessment, ESG and Cybersecurity Risk Assessment, Audit Risk and Planning, Tax Planning, Famous Economist, Liquidity Crisis, Financial Crisis, and Excel Fundamentals – Formulas for Finance. There is an immense variety of topics presented and studies throughout this compilation. All have given me an immeasurable learning experience. Case I through Case IV contend with the Case Competition that spread throughout the entire Fall semester. The company that these cases focus on is Chuy’s Holding Incorporated.

Included in

Accounting Commons



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