"Leading as Nudging: Optimizing Healthcare Delivery Systems Management " by Grant Beebe

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Milorad Novicevic

Relational Format



Three factors predominantly affect the delivery of healthcare services in the State of Mississippi: 1) the ability to access comprehensive, preventative care; 2) negative perceptions of the Affordable Care Act and similar reform efforts on the part of state and federal agencies; and 3) evolving reimbursement structures affecting the revenue streams of providers. There is a growing consensus among residents, providers, managers, and policy makers, which are key stakeholders in the overall wellness of our State, that preventative care addressing these three factors could play a pivotal role in improving public health. Through the development of a nudge framework of entrepreneurial leadership, I examine the least researched among public influence mechanisms, the nudge. The use of the nudge in my framework for developed for the case of Mississippi requires my analysis of both latent barriers and potential solutions to increase the likelihood that Mississippians would elect to seek meaningful provider relationships, embrace comprehensive schedules of care, and adopt and practice wellness management strategies. If more Mississippians were nudged with the use of my framework to make sound decisions about their health, the State would increasingly become healthier overall.

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