Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Carol Britson

Relational Format



The purpose of this experiment was to determine if co-activation in enhanced neck muscles increased surface electromyography (sEMG) activity in the masseter while chewing with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd molars. Sixteen football players from The University of Mississippi volunteered for this study. Football players were examined because they strengthen their neck 4 days a week to help prevent neck injuries and concussions. Participants' average body fat was 15.68% and average body mass was 100.69 kilograms showing that the participants were larger, muscular individuals compared to non student-athletes and represent a unique, study group. Participants performed maximum weight on a neck weight lifting machine, and then chewed Riesen candy during sEMG recording of the masseter, sternocleidomastoid (SCM), and upper trapezius of the participant's dominant chew side. During the neck weight lifting machine trials, individuals performed half of the repetitions with their mouth open and relaxed while the other half of the repetitions were conducted with their mouth closed and clenched. Repetitions with the mouth open generated more force from the SCM by an average of 6 Newtons. Co-activation was documented between the three muscles while performing the neck weight lifting machine and during maximum voluntary chewing on the Reisen candy. The weight of the participant had a significant positive relationship with the body fat (%) (r = 0.887), neck circumference (r = 0.604), and max weight (kg) used in the machine (r = 0.520). More weight on the neck machine and a larger neck circumference had a significant, positive relationship (r = 0.704). These data indicate a possible association between neck circumference and an increase in muscle mass in the SCM and trapezius. Co-activation through neck exercising encourages an increase in muscle mass in the masseter. The multiple correlations showed a significant, negative relationship between the SCM and masseter for each chew. This shows that the SCM and masseter need to be coordinated and contracted simultaneously to perform the biting task (van der Bilt et al., 2006). Long term dental effects and indirect effects of enhanced neck musculature should be taken into consideration for follow-up study.

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Biology Commons



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