Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Philosophy and Religion

First Advisor

James Bos

Relational Format



This is a two part thesis. Part I contains a literature survey in which I surveyed published material on the way Jesus' canonical masculinity is constructed in the context of Greco-Roman masculinities. Part II of this work is a case study analysis of the masculinity of Jesus as constructed by Marcus Borg and N.T. Wright in their book, The Meaning of Jesus. In order to do this, I surveyed literature and compiled profiles of masculinity from the late 20th century western world. Next, I analyzed Borg and Wright's Jesus' in the context of the relevant profiles of western masculinity. The findings of the case study reveal that N.T. Wright's Jesus performs a more traditional and dominant masculinity than Marcus Borg's Jesus.

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Religion Commons



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