Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Matthew Morrison

Relational Format



The Internet of Things (IoT) market is projected to grow to more than 80 billion connected devices by the year 2025 [1]. This surge in relevance opens numerous avenues to those with malicious intent to prey on the uninitiated. With the projected growth of IoT devices, this implies a more connected lifestyle for your everyday consumer. As more devices integrate into our daily lives, security of those devices becomes substantially more important. It all starts with the home network. Just as people feel secure from outside dangers from within their home, they should also have the same peace of mind for their devices on their home network. With our project, we aim to construct a robust network security device, with a plug and play model. Through firewalls and many Linux configurations, HNP is able to grant internet access by functioning as a router with iptables and functionality to protect from many possible penetrating techniques.

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