"Brain Drain in Mississippi: Why Some of the State's Best and Brightest" by Savannah G. Smith

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Curtis Wilkie

Relational Format



This thesis is a collection of stories in which I explore some of the underlying reasons that the state of Mississippi is experiencing a large outmigration of educated, millennial citizens, known as Brain Drain. This project is not an academic paper nor is it an attempt to fix the problem of young Mississippians leaving the state but rather an examination of the situation written in journalistic fashion. It attempts to shine a light on an issue that has plagued the state for years and deserves attention. It includes stories about the social climate, economic opportunities, the state legislature, and profiles of people who have left and come back. It is driven by a sheer love for this state and a curiosity about why so many want to leave and why many come back. In short, this thesis demonstrates that Mississippi's net loss of young and bright citizens is an issue that reaches far beyond a lack of job opportunities.

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