Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Computer and Information Science

First Advisor

J. Adam Jones

Relational Format



My project was tasked and guided by Dr. Adam Jones of the University of Mississippi's Computer Science Department to design and implement an improved system of infrared motion tracking for virtual reality. The enhancements allow Dr. Jones to use motion tracking for VR in ways that he previously could not, and these improvements include the ability to track multiple objects along with a foundation for expanding my project's use to work with a multiple camera setup for motion tracking. The hardware used in my project made use of Dr. Jones' supply of technology for development and research within the area of Virtual Reality, and in that regard, all software and hardware used within my project were 'common off-the-shelf'. The completed system is an addition to Dr. Jones' setup, especially in research with Augmented Virtual Reality. It contributes to Dr. Jones' research by implementing a customized system of motion tracking that is comparable to that of more expensive, commercial models.

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