"Auteurs of Revolution: The Work of Godard, Pasolini, and Antonioni and" by Shelbi Stovall

Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Joshua First

Relational Format



When one looks to analysis of Western movements of 1968, one commonly finds either partisan commentary on exact protest actions, ignorance to the movements' philosophical background, or no recognition of artistic responses to the political ideology of the student protesters. The image which emerges of 1968 in France, Italy, and the Unites States is thus simple, tedious, and without reference to the greater sphere of Marxist thought which exists in traditional politics or the cinematic realm. This thesis analyzes the historical moment of 1968 as it relates to and is reflected by the cinematic work and personal responses of directors Jean Luc Godard, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Michelangelo Antonioni. These three auteurs provide extensive perspectives on the social, political, and artistic complexities which surround 1968 as shown through two selected films of the individual directors, interviews given throughout their lifetimes, and various biographical writings. Research on the protesters and political leaders of 1968 comes from historical sources which were written more recently or were contemporary to the time period. For further insight into Godard, Pasolini, and Antonioni, and the students of 1968, this thesis also looks to the work of various figures of the New Left political movement such as Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Gramsci. Their philosophical writings provide a foundation from which research can begin, specifically because all components of the research were so heavily influenced by New Leftist understandings of their social and political situation. Through examining the responses of directors contemporary to 1968 and their place within late 1960s social upheaval, this thesis highlights the importance of using artistic creations to provide insight for contentious political movements in both the mid 20th century and beyond.

Accessibility Status

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History Commons



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