Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis


Chemistry and Biochemistry

First Advisor

Nathan Hammer

Relational Format



The United States is currently facing a shortage of qualified STEM professionals in the workforce and in research fields. Part of this lack of professionals can be traced back to lack of interest and lack of proficiency in mathematics and science at the secondary level of education as well as STEM major attrition at the college level. In an effort to increase student interest in STEM fields and increase retention of STEM majors, technology was employed to engage student interest. At the high school level, a physical chemistry demonstration on the spectroscopy of light was created. The demonstration was presented at a high school. In order to further engage student interest and encourage hands-on learning, the class was allowed to participate in the gathering of spectra. By analyzing students' answers to pre-demonstration and post-demonstration assessments in addition to a demonstration feedback form, the effectiveness of the demonstration in teaching the intended concepts was analyzed. At the college level, a website was created for the Ole Miss Physical Chemistry Summer Research Program and the Research Experience Undergraduate program. The old Ole Miss PChem Summer Research Program website was updated in order to increase visual appeal, ease of navigation, and amount of information disseminated. A new REU program website was created to integrate into the PChem website and provide information specifically about the REU program. These websites were created in the hope of increasing student interest and involvement in the programs as well as retaining students in programs that lead to STEM majors.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Chemistry Commons



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