Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Dwight Waddell

Relational Format



One of the first studies that investigated quantitative qualities of Tourette syndrome (TS) found that during active suppression of tics TS patients exhibit increased coherence in the alpha frequency (Serrien, Orth, Evans, Lees, & Brown, 2005). In this study, we attempted to validate the previous literature to allow for future research into the role played by increased coherence during active suppression. Our findings,however, showed that there was no significant increase in coherence between active suppression and rest. The findings in this study, along with previous literature, may suggest that TS patients with comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) affect the alpha power seen in these individuals. This finding shows that coherence may not increase in all TS patients as previously thought, but instead may increase only in individuals with pure TS. These findings show that further research, with a larger sample size, will be needed to determine the effects of comorbid OCD on the change in coherence during active suppression.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Engineering Commons



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