Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

John Schuesselin

Relational Format



The following thesis presents a discussion of the elements that went into preparing a senior solo trumpet recital. This discussion is divided into eleven sections, of which the first five contain general performance challenges and information about the types of pieces performed on the recital and the instruments used to perform those pieces. The remaining six sections discuss why the performer chose to showcase each composer and their compositions, the specific performance challenges he encountered with each piece, and the techniques he used to overcome these challenges. The historical information used to produce this thesis comes from articles written by specialists in each type of piece, instrument, period, style, composer, or composition. The information regarding performance challenges and the techniques used to overcome them comes from journals, notes, and recordings the performer kept while preparing for the recital. The performer found that preparing for, performing, and writing about the recital increased his knowledge of the history and importance of his primary instrument, developed his ability to collaborate, and allowed him to consider how he could teach the techniques he utilized to overcome performance challenges as a future music educator.

Accessibility Status

Searchable text

Included in

Music Commons



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