Honors Theses

Date of Award


Document Type

Undergraduate Thesis



First Advisor

Victoria Dickinson

Relational Format



The Patterson School of Accountancy encourages students to participate in an internship before graduating. These internships occur in the spring of senior year which conflicts with the traditional schedule for completing a thesis. The Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College allows accounting students to enroll in this alternative thesis track led by Dr. Vicki Dickinson. Dr. D is the most passionate professor I have encountered in the accounting school and her class was the single most enriching course in all of my major studies. She led a comprehensive study of technical accounting using this set of cases while also setting us up to network with our future employers. The following body of work required a complete knowledge of accounting and the theories and laws behind it. I can now properly account for a transaction and then follow it all the way to the final financial statements. In addition, I can research and explain our accounting regulation. These are both demonstrated on many occasions in this thesis. The following collection of cases represents my growth from a curious student into the employed accounting major that I am today.

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Accounting Commons



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